Great hairstyle. Why don't more people have hair like that? Must be easy to maintain, surely?
One A Day Portrait of London, from photographers across the city
Tuesday, 20 February 2007
Portobello Fishmonger
And at the other end of the fashion scale, functional attire.
These shots are exactly what I was looking for - Well executed portraits, all the faces of London, going about their business. Perfect environmental portrait.
Well this guy clearly knows what he's doing fashion wise. Eamon's been busy out on the streets of London again, and he has a great knack of finding great Londoners and photographing them really well.
St Valentine
We've blogged loads of older people, and here is a younger Londoner. But why does she look so unhappy? Fed up of high property prices, unavailability of NHS dentists and yet more congestion charges already?
Gilbert & George at the opening of their retrospective, Tate Modern

Gilbert & George at the opening of their retrospective, Tate Modern, originally uploaded by Commonorgarden.
Yes it's really them. Gilbert and George at the openin of their new exhibition at Tate Modern.
In colour
There's something about the way Paul crops these portraits, and the way only a small amount of the picture is in focus.
Even without seeing these people's eyes, we can sense the connection between subject and photographer. Even though usually we connect via the eyes.
Thursday, 15 February 2007
I couldn't resist posting anohter fabulous shot from david.
Everything here is right - her gaze, her pose, the setting, and the perfect lighting.
I love Fen's slices of British life. If people ever complain about "vanishing Britain", I'll just show them her photos, and say "Really?"
st. aloysuis
I've been wanting to add some gig photos. live music and culture is very much what London is about to me. The sweat pouring from both the singer and listener really adds that sense of being in a small room listening to incredibly loud music.
Wednesday, 14 February 2007
Check out Russell's original and interesting selfportraits.
I've copied Russell's text from under the picture:
(speech bubble text: bible Rom 13:8-10.)
'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'
There is no other commandment greater....
(Mk 12:29-31; cf. Deut 6:4-5; Lev 19:18; Mt 22:34-40; Lk 10:25-28.)
For the whole law is fulfilled in one word, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
(Galatians 5:14 RSV)
If any one says, "I love God," and hates his brother, he is a liar;
for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen,
cannot love God whom he has not seen.
(1 John 4:20 RSV)
Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.
(Romans 13:10 (RSV)
If you really fulfil the royal law,
according to the scripture, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself,"
you do well.
(James 2:8 RSV)
Jesus said to his disciples: "Love one another even as I have loved you."
(Jn 13:34)
Faulkners, Kingsland Rd.
what this blog is all about - all aspects of London, going about their day to day business.
Plus that fish looks really good.
Saturday, 10 February 2007
Super-sharp looks, super sharp shot. David does fantastic proper portrait work, check them out.
Portobello Mona Lisa
Lovely portrait, this week there's been a great variety of ages, reflecting beauty across London.
Misspent youth?
Hardly. Wish i had spent my A-levels taking beautiful photos like these from Jamie. He has mastered classic black and white photography.
Eamon's been busy again, out on the streets of Camden. A great place for street photography.
Like the eyeliner.
Friday, 9 February 2007
Photographer N19
Another photograph of a photographer. Do we choose other photographers because of a lack of subjects? Who knows, but it's a great photo anyway.
syphillis, glanders, leprosy, measles, eczema
An extra... not strictly within the rules, but they're Londoners alright - just pretty dead ones.
An interesting collection of medical conditions, on display at the Museum of London - a wonderful museum by the way.
Friday, 2 February 2007
The utterly fabulous Vivid Angel
I've copied April's text about this photo.
"Yeah - I like Vivid Angel. She's fab. I haven't seen her perform much - and though I knew she likes to do things a bit differently I wasnt quite prepared to see her hammer two nails up her nose, then stick a meathook through her lower lip (and swing a handbag from it), jump barefoot on shards of broken glass, stick a knife up her nose and hooks into her eyelids and... well... other things like that.
What was just as wonderful was seeing the open mouthed horrified audience reactions. Even the wrestlers looked a bit peaky.
It was a fucking proper full on gory violent bloody night out. If the Kray twins had ever done cabaret, this is what it would have been like. Bethnal Green at its best. Highly recommended (and tranny friendly too).
shot at Lucha Britannia. Bethnal Green Working Mens Club. London. 25th January 2006."
street photographer
Camden Market is all about the characters you meet. Whilst everyone can take the cliche'd shot of the punks with mohicans, this is much more than that, it brings Camden up to date.
The shot's also all about the engagement between photographer and subject, which is what this project is all about.
lou lou 1
Lovely. I love the connection between subject and photographer, the subject and photgorapher are out enjoying themselves on a clear winter day, reflected in the shot by the lovely light, lovely colours and all in all a lovely portrait.
not something you see every day
When I set up this project, I was looking for shots just like this. London continues all around us, and somewhere something just like this is happening. How many times have you met an owl in the street?
tottenham court road
Another from the same idea. I'd like to pursue as a project, photos next to eachother, of the same person looking threatening an then looking, like this guy does, like a complete pussycat. he was thrilled that I asked him to take his photo, I hope he emaisl me so I can send him a copy of it.