One A Day Portrait of London, from photographers across the city
Friday, 24 August 2007
check out the band - www.myspace.com/horsesmouth
love the little jumping, and love the lighting too.
World Music, St. Leonards Church, Streatham Festival 2007

World Music, St. Leonards Church, Streatham Festival 2007, originally uploaded by Jack Goffe Photography.
perfect colours, and perfect moment captured. I think the strenght of the flash of yellow and fuschia lips give an extra boost to this portrait.
showing off in Leicester Square.
Actually I think this is pretty intimidating - I can see why he'd agree to have his picture taken though.
How about a date 2nite
Do you reckon she said yes to the question? from the expression on her face, I think the answer was "I don't think so sunshine".
Tuesday, 21 August 2007
Eamon has moved into medium format and the details show. Superb street portrait from Old Compton Street. Look at it large to see the mega details.
this is what I was looking for when I started this blog - signs of life as we may or may not know it on the streets of London. Excellent, really vibrant, and you can almsot feel the heat of the crush.
"I Can't Stand It"
I'm a fan of the triptych. Even though it's better to do a rigorous edit and choose the one image, sometimes the story is better told through three and one alone isn't so storng. Nice work here.
love this little series from jamie. It's a mini film in three shots. Reminds me of those photo stories in girls' comics from the 80s.
"Lilliput Lane"
another experiment - but there may be some trickery going on here. Great stuff, what you see is not always what's there.
Finchley Road
more experimentation, this time from someone not so young but just as revolutionary. Keep it up!
Nude fashion - Vice 2007 - august
great stuff from the hellotelevision guys - being young and experimenting, that's the way to do it.
check out their sites - www.hellotelevision.co.uk and www.viceland.com
Saturday, 11 August 2007
This week, the results were announced for Tate Britain's How We Are Now show, and I'm thrilled to say I was selected, in the Landscape category.
It's led to some interesting discussions - I will link to some of them - the selections have been controversial, accused of being mundane, boring, and non-representative since all the people featured are white.
However, the selection is definitely worth alook, adn the more you look, the more you see, from suburbs to countryside, young people and old.
I'll fill in the links later.
rory's house
we've been discussing this week what makes a portrait. This is an interesting composition of a teenager's place, showing different parts of his life, what makes him, and a small glimpse of his arm. So the question arises, would this constitute a portrait?
Triple portrait
What a well-maintaned home, with well-maintaned dogs and well-maintained planters on the doorstep. Cooling off on a hot day by the looks of things.
A 2007 version of those old porrtaits landed gentry used to commission of themselves.
Harry. Embroiderer & Lay Preist. SE16
Have to copy Jane's story about him -
"Harry has lived in SE16 for 74 years, five consecutive generations of his family had lived in only two houses up until he was seven, when his generation, and his parents, moved to the second of his three SE16 homes.
There's not many older Bermondsey people Harry doesn't know."
Jane's photostream is fascinating, she photographs londoners at work all over town and categorises them by postcode. I hope she keeps on going with this project for a long time because it's fascinating.
In front of the Apple store, Ed found this young chap and took the oblgiatory shot of Youth in the 21st centruy. So many icons of our times - Apple being responsible for so much iconic design. The background is really perfect here.
He's got his eye on you, this man. Even though we can't see the other eye, the one we can see is really piercing.
Thursday, 2 August 2007
'Uncle Reg'
As copied from Eric's post:
'Introducing ( for those who have not had the pleasure yet ), Reg Roach, lifelong Leica collector, owner of Croydon Photo Centre - and jolly good egg, as they used to say when some of us were still young. His shop is everything that Jessops never was, and a visit is always a delight. Just take your credit cards. / 220707pd802'
Get on down there, people!
Absolutely no idea whatsoever what is going on here. Not so sure I want to know either. Or do I?
Lovebox Weekender
Is this guy a Londoner? or did he just come in from Kazakhstan? And what planet did the lady arrive from?
Mobile clubbing
Warning. Londoners are a strange species and can occasionally be spotted in public places throwing themselves around in a strange manner.
This may be known as "mobile clubbing". Avoid these types of people, they may be contagious.