A terrific collection of faces from Chinatown from Charlotte.
All of them consensual - so she somehow managed to get all of these people to udnerstand that she wanted to take their photo and get them all to pose so wonderfully. It's a challenge at the best of times, and when some of these people might not talk English, even more of a challenge.
The best thing about London for me is the rainbow of faces, the meeting palce for people from round the world, and this collection highlights that perfectly.
One A Day Portrait of London, from photographers across the city
Thursday, 27 September 2007
Front of House
The usually seen face of Chinatown, front of house of one of the many restuarants.
anyone got any good experiences or recommendations of those restaurants?
So many things I'd love to ask this man but wonder if he would understand me. His name, where he came from, how long he's been in London, what he thinks of it, whether he's been to the ower of London or the British Museum...
A whole week on the blog from Charlotte. Great to see so many faces from Chinatown, somewhere many people (myself included) find impenetrable.
Friday, 21 September 2007
nottinghill group shot
Another Notting Hill festival shot - wonderful big group of friends together.
Kilburn High Road (corner of Birchington Road)
Pounds and ounces. Britain holds out against the metric surge from Europe.
Bit of a raw theme going on this week.
I love shots of Londoners doing what Londoners do. Bet it stank in there too.
Wednesday, 12 September 2007
New Brits
She didn't seem too impressed.
As part of the ceremony process people had to swear allegiane to the Queen and country
I think this lady is Armenian or Iranian, from that sort of part of the world anyway.
She became British with her husband. It was great watching a whole family go through it.
I wish I would have spent more time with the people becoming British. A few were Australian or South African like my friend Aliza, there were a lot of Malaysian/Sri Lankan and Indian Subcontinent people, and quite a lot of Egyptian/Somalian too.
Not any more, now they're all Londoners.
Aliza becomes british
This is Aliza with the lady mayor of Camden.
She turned up for the ceremony to hand people their certificates. She looked spectacularly unimpressed with the entire proceedings, and very bored.
The new Brit
It's the guy in the middle. he's the new Brit.
took the picture, wish I would have found out more about the story.
Orange juice and a muffin
This lady is a new Londoner but it seemed to have passed her by that she has to have a cup of tea.
Last week I went to watch my friend Aliza become British at Camden Town Hall.
The fact that she had flown in from Australia for the event was not mentioned.
After becoming British the new citizens were offered a cup of tea. Of Course.
Saturday, 8 September 2007
One Hour photo
And Eamon of course did what Eamon does best, confronting people and bringing us London from the street.
One Hour Photo
David did what he does best too, he creates a tableau of life - turning McDonalds on a Saturday afternoon into a fascinating ensemble with something to see in every part of the photo.
One Hour Photo
So last Saturday afternoon a few photographers got together to take photos within a one hour time period in Soho.
Very different approach from each. Jayna found a Chinese restaurant. Whilst I usually blog consensual portraits for 365 Londoners, Chinatown and Chinese people are becoming more ubiquitous but I'm sure I'm nto the only person to find them quite unapproachable and Chinatown an inpenetrable place.
half half
Back to school this week and wonderful to see more experimenting from the photography students out there.
half the story? possibly.
Chinese Whispers
love the mystery in the shot - ghosts and faries lurking in the layers.
A new/old take on a family portrait.
Sunday, 2 September 2007
Truly Fierce, a group of friends out together enjoying Carnival. Love the fashion sense, the pose, the strength, everything.
we've seen Elvis on this blog before, but I've never met him, although his fame is widespread. he's often to be found at open air events round London and I'm glad to have finally caught up with him.
Some people had to give out free sweets to get people to agree to have their photo taken - although these girls look so fabulous I'm sure they didn't need much encouragement.
Notting Hill Carnival #6
last weekend I went ot the Notting Hill Carnival. A perfect excuse for taking a few portraits of people getting into the party spirit.
Everyone was very friendly and plenty of people were happy to have their picture taken. This shot from Ed of a man in the crowd really reflects the party atmosphere well, and the sun had finally come out.